The wedding sweater is finally starting to come together. I was able to get a pretty decent amount of knitting done this weekend while I was volunteering at an art gallery downtown. Clearly, we weren’t that busy. It’s been so hot outside recently that I don’t think a lot of people wanna walk around downtown, especially not right up against the river. The building of the gallery is from 1785, so slightly predates the idea of central air conditioning. So yeah, you can bet that I was kicking myself while working on a 100% wool sweater and melting into my chair.
Right now the rows are still really long so it doesn’t look like much but each row is shorter by two stitches. You can see the ribbing for the left front and the stitch marker indicating where I decrease a stitch at each end every row.
I’m going to keep decreasing stitches, probably at that same rate until I’ve used up all of the extra stitches I cast on in the beginning which should coincide with the length measurement my friend gave me.