0-1243 Camellia Rose

Intending this time to match the color of the yarn to the floral name of the pattern I knit a pair of Camellia Rose out of West Yorkshire Spinner’s Signature 4-Ply in a colorway I have chosen to call Tutti Fruiti. Not floral, admittedly, but floral-adjacent. Whatever, it’s got pink in it. Don’t doubt my logic.

As is usual with DROPS lace short sock patterns, they are quick knits as long as you don’t get distracted, as I am prone to do. Finished them while on a trip to Pennsylvania (specifically took them and another WIP so that I would have to work on them if I wanted to knit at all), but forgot to pack a yarn needle to work in the yarn tail. Stopped by a local yarn store to pick up one, and while they didn’t currently have any in stock, I did happen upon a batch of clearance Patons Kroy in which I indulged. Also picked up a skein of their house sock yarn in Summer Sorbet that will probably become something other than socks. I love the tightly spin and bright dyes of their house brand, and it says it’s superwash, but I’ve been burnt before by gorgeous sock yarn. Patons Kroy, on the other hand, could survive a direct meteor strike and look the same as the day you cast on.