I had my doubts about the silver and gold single ply from the beginning, but finished the fabric and bag anyway, just to get some more practice. It made for a cool fabric, but the slippery nature of the singles didn’t make for a very stable one, so I’m not putting this up for sale. I don’t want to sell a bag if don’t have confidence in the stability, you know?
I lined it with a sleek gray-ish lightweight fabric, and used black ribbon this time for the casing. The cord was spun from the two weft yarns which turned out pretty neat-looking. The fabric itself sheds a lot, which is another reason I don’t think I’ll use it for weaving bags in the future. Maybe as an accent in a tapestry, perhaps?
Still cute, though. Maybe I’ll use it as a gift bag for gift cards this holiday season. What do you think?