Shrines, statues, and coffee-colored socks

This weekend for my mother’s birthday we went to the Yogaville ashram, in Buckingham County, Virginia. I’ve never been there, and wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. A community of people who are reallllly into yoga, and communal living, and a vegan diet, who follow the teachings of a swami who is buried on the grounds? I was fully prepared to have to bolt in the middle of the night. I was, of course, wrong. Once I was able to draw my mind away from the beginning of the second Ace Ventura movie (“Go, slinky, go!”), I really started to enjoy the experience. The grounds are beautiful, the people who live there are kind and helpful, for the most part. There are also the people who are so into the lifestyle and ‘find their path’ that other people really don’t register to them, but whatever works for them, you know?

The main area there is called the Light of Truth Universal Shrine, mainly called LOTUS (clever!) which is a multi-faith area for the ashram.

I took this photo from the back, because as per my usual, almost every interesting building I travel a while to see is covered with a tarp and scaffolding for renovation. The website, of course, has much better ones. There is a room with multiple displays of religious artifacts called the Hall of All Faiths. More like the hall of most faiths, but they gave it a shot and you get the main message of unity, etc. Never been much for religion myself, but I can appreciate it.

We stayed in a dormitory, which gave me the out-of-state college experience that I really wasn’t looking for, and ate with the people of the ashram in the cafeteria, which only serves vegan food. I’m a staunch omnivore, but you get used to it. No dreams of bacon. All-in-all a good experience that really exposes you to other walks of life. I did get a bit of knitting done during the drive, which brings me to my new socks! Sock. Sock in progress. Getting there.

The photo was taken in the car, so not ideal, but it will be a pair of Gold Diggers from New Directions in Sock Knitting. I’m using Alize superwash sock, which didn’t look like much in the skein but turns out to be a delightful coffee-and-chocolate self-striping yarn. Looking forward to how the stripes shift for the fleegle heel.